Central Protection Services

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security guard services | Central Protection Services

Why Your Business Needs to Utilize Concierge Security Services ?

Security is essential for your business, a safe environment is of utmost importance and should be a priority in your business management. However, a concierge can provide security as well as many other benefits, making them the ideal security guard for your property. In this post, we discuss why your company NEEDS to have a concierge on site.

Reason #1:

Certain industries need to portray a feeling of sophistication in everything they do, including their security measures. A concierge allows you to combine the professionalism, expertise and experience of a security guard, with a friendly and approachable permanent employee who becomes a part of the staff ‘family’. For many, they are the preferred choice as they are the perfect combination of safety and hospitality for both staff and visitors.

Reason #2:

The presence of someone who is trained in security deters lawbreakers from becoming a nuisance, most will see the guard and instantly retreat!

Reason #3:

Repeat customers who have a strong bond with the business are ideal, a repeat customer is a more reliable method of revenue. One way of nurturing repeat customers is a friendly front desk individual, removing the stereotypical guard can make the experience of entering your building more casual and appealing.

Reason #4:

A concierge will provide vital feedback on every aspect of the premises which could improve your business objectives, e.g. parts to improve, employee behavior, client behavior etc.

Reason #5:

As terrorism, violence and burglaries rise in the UK, further security measures can create peace of mind for staff and visitors. Staff morale is important as this directly links to productivity and attendance, both are vital in order for a business to grow therefore all measures which aim to maintain this should be explored.

Reason #6:

They become a point of contact of visitors and staff. A concierge is likely to be your only client facing employee, therefore hiring someone who is both trained in security and reception etiquette could improve your brand identity as well as safety.

Reason #7:

They are also able to resolve situations that previous security guards could not, in relation to receptionist duties such as customer queries, answering phones, issuing visitor badges and managing the logbook. Employees which can offer a range of skills are more valuable, removing the need for two members of staff- a concierge merges two into one.

Reason #8:

Sometimes a static security guard can be intimidating and can cause a feeling of danger as there is clearly someone being employed to stop the danger. A concierge means that you have a friendly face which is a subtle method of safety, taking away the fear factor associated with some companies.

Reason #9:

Police resources are becoming more and more stretched, therefore criminals may utilise this to attack. However, having someone on the ground means they can respond in seconds preventing or limiting the amount of danger.

Central Protection Services has been established for over two years providing security services, including Concierge Security Services. We pride ourselves on exceeding expectations and working with clients to offer the best solution to their queries. If you are wondering whether you would benefit from having a Concierge, call us on 587-401-3838 or email us at info@centralprotection.ca

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