Central Protection Services

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LICENCE FAQ | Central Security Guard Services Company

Under the Security Services and Investigators Act (SSIA), individuals working in the security, investigation and locksmith services industry must be licensed by the Province of Alberta. Applicants for individual licences must meet basic licensing requirements and training qualifications before applying to receive a licence. Additional Information is available at: https://www.alberta.ca/security-service-worker-licence.aspx

Effective June 1, 2011, all applicants for a security workers licence in Alberta must successfully complete an accredited 40-hour mandatory training course (or provide proof of equivalent training) and successfully complete the SSIA Provincial Examination in order to qualify for a licence. Both the training course and exam are available online from Central Protection Services (Contact Us).

Licenses are issued by the Security Programs department at the Alberta Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General. In addition to completing the training and provincial exam, applicants must submit SSIA Individual Licence Application form. The application fee is separate from the training and exam registration fees. The application form and a checklist of requirements is available at: https://www.alberta.ca/security-service-worker-licence.aspx

Yes, Alberta training course is accredited by the Province of Alberta (under SSIA Course License #AT000520) and meets the training requirements outlined in the Security Services and Investigators Act. It is recognized as an Online and in-Class Alberta Basic Security Training Course (ABST).
CPS’s SSIA Provincial Examination is delivered online and in-class at various locations in Alberta and is attended by a certified proctor. Once you have completed the training course, please contact the CPS to register for the course and exam. There is no additional exam fee – it is included in the registration fee for the ABST – Alberta training course.
Yes, if you do not successfully pass or miss for some reasons the exam the first time, you may re-write it. Please schedule a new exam time by contacting the Central Protection Services. The fee for each additional exam re-write is $50.

After Pass an Exam Successfully

At once you have successfully completed the Alberta Basic Security Training (ABST) course. Your certificate will be mailed to you within 5 – 10 business days from Alberta Security Programs (Solicitor General).
You are now ready to apply for a security licence in Alberta – please find the Individual License Application Form and Guide attached (read carefully and submit to Security Programs).
  1. Complete all sections of the “Individual License Application” form download TYPE in PDF OR PRINT AND USE CAPITALS ONLY from Government Alberta Website or check our Download Forms Page.
  2. Sign both part 5 and 6 of the form
  3. Have a member of the police service, peace officer or commissioner of oaths employed by the police service sign the back of your passport quality photo.
  4. Apply and obtain an employment police information check (PIC), must include CPIC, Vulnerable sector and local database. Address for Police Background Check (you can get Same Day at this location)Police Information Check Section (14315 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4S6)
  5. Must include photocopies of both sides of two government issued identifications (like Alberta ID, Passport, Work Permit, PR Card etc).
  6. Provide photocopies of proof of training certificate.
  7. Pay your Licence fee by Bank Draft in title to “Government of Alberta” or Make Online Payment (Click Here)
  8. Submit your application with appropriate fees ($100 for 2 year security license, $160 for 2 year investigator license) and all additional documents to:
If you need to contact Alberta Security Programs directly:

Security Programs
PO Box 1023 Station Main
Edmonton AB T5J 2M1
Phone: 1-877-462-0791
Fax: 780-427-4670
Email: ssia.registrar@gov.ab.ca
Website: www.securityprograms.alberta.ca

All the best!

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