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Security Guard Company in Calgary

How to Properly Evaluate a Security Guard Company in Calgary

Individuals, businesses, and communities are vulnerable to security, protection, and exploitation issues. Hiring a security guard company in Calgary is a decision you can’t risk taking lightly. Everyone seeking security services in Calgary must end up with a reliable service from the right security guarding company. It is beneficial for you to work with an inexperienced or incompetent firm that can leave your business or community exposed to vulnerabilities, which is why it’s crucial to know what to look for when hiring a security guard company in Calgary.

In the city of Calgary, there are plenty of options out there but making the selection process becomes a bit more challenging. Individuals must dedicate a thorough time to research before settling for a particular security guarding company in Calgary. It helps to know the right questions to ask and how to identify red flags. Every security company Calgary is different, so don’t assume anything.

Self-Evaluation Considerations Before Hiring Security Guard Company in Calgary

It is vital to begin with a self-evaluation to improve a deeper understanding of your company requirements, so you get an easier time deciding which Security Guard Company in Calgary will fulfill your needs. If you understand your specific security concerns, you’ll certainly know what to look for security guard services Calgary. The self-evaluation must be followed by these questions to the right service provider.

Expertise & Experience is the Relevant Business

The security guard company in Calgary you plan to work with should be able to validate an in-depth knowledge and thoughtfulness of the certain environment in which they need to be operated. Only a reputable and well-equipped security company that is experienced in working with customers similar to your business will know the exact security practices that need to be put in place to keep your locations safe. A security guard company in Calgary experienced in protecting healthcare centers will have a very different skill set and training from the security needed in a retail management. When evaluating potential security service companies Calgary, it is important to ensure they’re experienced with specific requirements.

Security Guard Services in the Respective Region

Determine if the Security Guard Services Calgary has clients in the same region of the city as your premises. Security guards familiar with your neighborhood will well understand the security perils and issues in your area. A security guarding company with multiple locations in your city will be expected to have additional support, guards, and supervision nearby.

Security Company’s Reputation

Positive customer reviews provide a great way to assess the quality of security services you can expect from a security guard company in Calgary. You need to consider more than just the company’s rating but also dedicate enough time to consider and read some of their reviews. Several negative reviews are a red flag for industry-specific references. Another way to evaluate the company’s reputation is by its permanency and the size of its workforce. Also, ask how long the security company has been providing security guard services in Calgary and see if the staff have been working with the company for a while.

Best Security Guard Services Calgary Pricing

Be Cautious! low prices may tempt you but security guard companies in Calgary that low-ball classically take advantage of credulous clients. So, choosing the lowest price will likely cost you for the quality of security guards assigned and the capacity of services rendered. Moreover, if a company quotes lower rates, you can expect one of the following:

  • Hidden Costs: Read the fine print before you sign the dotted line. You may have to pay much more than the mentioned price for supervisors, patrols, and overtime. Moreover, the security guard company in Calgary may also charge extra fees if an incident occurs.
  • Guards with Low Wages: Security companies in Calgary charging below-average rates often underpay their security guards and provide poor services & benefits. That translates to a high turnover rate by less loyalty to both the security guard company in Calgary and the respective client.
  • No Overhead Services: If there’s a substantial difference in the hourly rate of security guard services, it is more likely that the security guard company may not have the infrastructure to provide things like regular supervisor check-ins, dedicated account manager, and custom incident reports.

Up-to-date Licensing & Insurance

Make sure the security guard company in Calgary can show proof of insurance and up-to-date state licenses. Security Services Calgary may have different licensing requirements depending on which province your business is in. If you’re hiring a security guarding company for multiple locations across more than one state, check that they have the proper license to work in each state. Moreover, check the insurance to certify it’s adequate for your situation. If a security guard suffers an injury or damages property on the job, the security guard company in Calgary must have the proper insurance to cover the incident.

Sufficient Backup/Support for Security Guards

One of the most important advantages of having a security guard on location is the ability of a quick response. They’re not enough to respond to events and make trained decisions while access control systems and cameras provide monitoring alerts.  You want a security guard company in Calgary that can provide round-the-clock support and acceptable supervision for your business. Moreover, ask the company about their supervisor-to-guard ratio and make sure to have 10-15 guards per supervisor. A quick response time is why it’s important to hire a security service already functioning in your area.

Hiring Practices & Background checks

The true degree of a security company’s effectiveness starts with hiring the right guards and equipping them with the best training and certifications. Ask the company about their hiring and recruitment process. Know! do they conduct background checks? Does the security guard company in Calgary recruit professionals in security former military personnel? It is important to know who you are hiring for the services

Are you looking for a top security guard company in Calgary? Central Protection Services has got you covered. Our expert team of committed specialists provides complete security services in Calgary to business and property owners of all sizes. Contact us!

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