What if the guard misses out on an individual entering your workplace with the intention of doing an unwanted activity? Is there still a chance to manage or deter the criminal before the actual harm or damage occurs? Yes!!! Automated monitoring and surveillance systems can detect any suspicious activity and alert the authorities for early prevention. CCTV monitoring at Central Protection Services is a well-organized system in which proper site selection for the CCTV camera installation is done to cover the entire premises. Unlike other CCTV and Surveillance companies, Central Protection Services have clear terms and conditions to manage location security in a reliable manner.
Installing commercial CCTV monitoring to secure your premises needs proper assistance and our company contributes to your workplace’s security and safety with immediate action and supports identifying intrusions through complete and highly certified monitoring services. Our trained staff observes your sites and workplaces to provide top-quality security camera monitors. CCTV is a process of supervising the on-site operation without a huge investment.
What factors are to be considered before CCTV Monitoring Cameras installation?
- Setup & Configuration
CCTV monitoring is one aspect of managing a workplace but without proper setup & configuration, the entire system can collapse creating loopholes for criminal activities. Consider these for proper setup installation:
- Positioning: Does the security camera monitor face the right way without blockages?
- Pixels: Pixels must be managed to give a clear and still image while investigating with commercial CCTV monitoring.
- Lighting: Security camera monitor must have resistance to natural changes and light must be considered. Daytime/night-time/artificial light all must be considered as they make a huge difference.
- Shutter speed: It needs to be fast enough to capture and freeze movement; don’t rely on factory defaults for CCTV Monitoring Services.
- Evaluation
CCTV monitoring systems should be continuously evaluated as it is essential to get quality footage adequate to be used as evidence. Hotspots are covered with commercial CCTV. Evaluation accounts should be done quarterly in the early stages and afterward at regular intervals.
- Maintenance & Active Monitoring
CCTV monitoring is an important element of proper surveillance while maintaining the systems and cameras is another. Do not go for the yearly maintenance and ensure the CCTV system is regularly evaluated to clear even a minute change to cater to big mistakes.
Notifications can be done with the set of connections to get the emails upon video loss, cameras moved, or hard drive failure.
- Delinquency & Violence Prevention Trials
CCTV monitoring companies recommend a partnership scheme where you can share CCTV images with authorities or police to catch criminals.
- Professional Advice
The right monitoring companies can advise and consult you precisely on your premises. They will install CCTV systems and offer CCTV monitoring services with perfect settings for several years.

Ways to Improve CCTV monitoring and surveillance in the workplace
- Remote monitoring
Unlike in the past, there is no need for an operator to supervise the CCTV cameras all the time, CCTV monitoring companies give remote surveillance for businesses to have peace of mind. The workplace sites are being monitored 24/7 by security experts.
A commercial CCTV monitoring system means you can react to security threats in real-time and possibly avert an incident from happening. If an interloper or other uncommon activity is noticed by the CCTV system, an alert is sent to the remote monitoring station. Workers are then able to answer back right away taking immediate action. They will inform the police and the authorities of the building. A warning message will be announced to threaten the criminal.
Moreover, it is likely to stay connected for CCTV monitoring through your smartphone.
Remote monitoring can save workplaces from potential losses in terms of theft or other criminal activity. CCTV monitoring companies help to provide building workers and business owners with the composure that their premises are safe 24/7.
- Video analytics
Video analytics can develop the overall efficiency of a CCTV monitoring system and Security Company Edmonton. It is an influential means of recognizing and detecting intruders, tracing people or objects, and dispensing an alarm on different behaviors. For instance, it can sense if a person is strolling near the entrance of the workplace, and an indication will be sent to authorities. Video streams are observed in real-time and an alarm is spontaneously created, beckoning to operatives that a security breach may occur.
Common types of CCTV camera monitors with video analytics determine if an undesirable or suspicious behavior occurs in the arena of view of the camera:
- Artificial intelligence learning algorithms: With the advanced CCTV monitoring companies; the CCTV cameras connected will learn what a normal image is and will start to issue alarms and alerts on new movements as well as behavior other than the consistent.
- Fixed algorithm analytics: CCTV monitoring systems are intended to look for precise behavior, such as moving in the wrong direction down a corridor, crossing a line, picking up an object, leaving an object, or loitering.
- Facial recognition technology
The employment of modern CCTV monitoring technology extends beyond video surveillance. Incorporated facial recognition systems can be used to habitually regulate entry to an office block or protected areas. They can even work as a time recording system for workplaces requiring to know when their employees have ‘checked in’ and ‘checked out’.
- Systems Integration
The list of submissions a CCTV system can be connected to is almost boundless including point-of-sale software, access control, and intrusion detection.
For instance, integrating CCTV camera monitors with access control at speed lanes deals extra security for a workplace. Video analytics can also help if any movement is detected across the building walls on either side of the lanes. Moreover, it signals a restrained alarm back to reception for additional investigation. If an incident occurs, CCTV camera footage can be used to recognize the intruder and help in any investigations.

- Regular maintenance
CCTV monitoring systems should be frequently maintained to guarantee they are working in accordance with the guidelines. CCTV cameras evaluation should include:
- Any obstruction in the field of view of the lens.
- The build-up of dust or dirt prohibits performance. This is a communal issue in city and town center settings where airborne contamination on the dome of the camera.
- Focused and fully functioning lens.
- Firm camera installation to the wall.
- Excellent motion detection.
It is important to check out all the essentials of the CCTV system including Home Security Services Edmonton camera monitors, switches, and recording equipment connected to any remote communication facilities for backup. The image quality on the monitor must be vibrant and the brightness settings adjusted correctly.
The use of CCTV monitoring in the workplace can help shield a building from interlopers and criminal harm that can reputational damage to the business.
To improve the efficiency of the CCTV system, it’s significant to consider remote monitoring and video analytics, facial recognition technology, and integration with other systems to access control with enhanced protection. Lastly, it is vital to ensure all security camera monitors are regularly retained so that they are appropriate for the purpose.
Central Protection Services offer you the best CCTV monitoring with expert advice and proper installation of the surveillance system for a reliable and encrypted workplace premises.